Do I Need A Life Coach? Podcast

Aligned Decision Making
Are you in the habit of proactively making decisions? At work or in life? Decisions move us forward because we either make progress or get the feedback we need. This feedback gives us what we need to make our next decision and this is how we move forward faster.
We feel disempowerment when we sit in evaluation mode for too long, or we ignore the decisions we should or could be making until something external to us happens, which then forces us to make a decision we may or may not have chosen for ourselves.

Can Affirmations Really Work?
Do affirmations really work? Called a lot of nonsense and fluff by many, affirmations may be the easiest thing you can start doing right now to change your life for the better. With a few quick steps to ensure they are done for maximum affect, we unpack what happens neurologically and how to use our brain to make affirmations work for us, forever for the purpose of starting to notice things we may not have noticed in the past, to find evidence for things we want to find evidence of (instead of the bad stuff or deficiencies we may have), to start feeling better about ourselves, our work, and what we're doing with our lives. It's easier and more effective than you think.

Changing Lives
The impact coaching is so significantly larger than just one person. Often, the presenting problems a client brings to a coach when wanting to work with them is the tip of the iceberg. Coaching not only helps with the presenting problem (first and foremost), but is a holistically uplifting experience for somebody to experience. When that person experiences coaching, many others are impacted in the process, creating win-win outcomes for the client, the coach, and those around them.

Communication Enhancement with Behavioural Profiling
Behavioural profiling: a must in corporate teams to heighten awareness and enhance communication. Behavioural profiling can be used for good or evil. Some have chosen to weaponise it and use it to excuse their behaviour. Others have utilised it to help give context and understanding of themselves and others, and then taken it that step further to get better results.
When trained and used effectively, behavioural profiling teaches us about our energy investment, how to guess the behaviours of others and how we can tailor our communication to remove barriers, and to be clear and concise. This episode discusses the what, the why and the how of behavioural profiling, giving you a practical and easy way to implement it for yourself.

Courage Before Confidence
The pain of staying the same has to be greater than the pain of change. Where are you experiencing pain right now? How much focus is that pain taking out of your each and every day? Expanding our comfort zones is the road to personal growth. But with standing discomfort and persisting anyway we learn things about ourselves and discover things within ourselves that we didn't know were available to us. When we remain in our comfort zone we become unaware of our possibilities and our ability to achieve our dreams.
Expanding our comfort zone can look very different depending on the pain we're experiencing. When did you last expand your comfort zone? What can you be doing differently to be moving forward and not be living a life dictated by fear or discomfort that often arises from staying in your comfort zone for too long?
Bonus content for coaches: this episode contains bonus material for coaches working with clients on expanding their comfort zones.

Do I Need a Life Coach?
Welcome to the inaugural episode of 'Do I Need A Life Coach? Podcast'! In this debut, we delve into crucial aspects: - Unveiling the challenges hindering our habit changes - Uncovering the motivations behind seeking a life coach - A succinct exploration of life coaching's essence - The distinctive advantages of a life coach compared to counselors or therapists - Tackling the myths and stigmas surrounding coaching - Pro tips on discovering the right Life Coach for you - Exploring the four pivotal pillars of a strong coach-client relationship Join us as we navigate through these vital touch points in the world of life coaching, empowering you to make informed decisions about your personal journey!

Do What You Love
Sometimes, we just need to do things we love to do. Not with the aim of being good at it, the best at it, or even better at it. Sometimes, we need to do things just for FUN! What's that?! Yes, fun!
When we do things we love, that make us feel connected and alive, we are happier, healthier and feel fulfilled. As we navigate our way through life, things we do for fun and just for the love of it tend to diminish in priority. They fall by the wayside and sometimes, it's vital that we bring them back and make them a priority.

Egotistical or Confident?
When is talking about our strengths, wins or abilities egotistical versus being confident? Rhiannon discusses the purpose of our ego, the importance of becoming our own advocate, and the science and art of being able to share what we do well while remaining likeable.
Covering social contracts, societal pressures, Tall Poppy Syndrome, individual triggers and our biological need to be connected and part of a tribe, Rhiannon also covers 5 tips to follow as a sense check to confidently speak about what you do well and want to be known for.

Emotional Maturity
The concept of emotional maturity has been increasingly relevant in my life, particularly as a mother raising two young children. Balancing the demands of parenting has highlighted moments when my inner child surfaces in response to my children's behaviour. Transitioning to a leadership role in business, the topic of emotional maturity takes a different form. As a leader, projecting professionalism often requires suppressing my emotional responses and maintaining a composed demeanor.
Embracing emotional maturity requires mindfulness, allowing us to respond thoughtfully instead of impulsively, thereby harnessing the strength of emotions for positive outcomes. Emotional maturity is a vital skill for navigating the complexities of relationships we experience in all areas of our lives.

Emotional Transference
Emotions require transference. They are generated within us from our thinking - either from something that's happened external to us, for example the way we've been treated by another, or by the way we're thinking about something or someone. Without taking the time to process or transfer these emotions, they will be stored within us and work to find their own way out of our system.
Finding resourceful ways to process emotions will change your energy, your happiness, your gratitude and help you become the person you want to be.

Enjoy Everything
Every single one of us have the choice to feel happier on a daily basis. This is not about feeling happier 100% of the time or experiencing a big shift. This is about choosing to make little and seemingly mundane things we do more enjoyable by shifting our perspective or actively finding ways to have more fun every day.
We're always chasing a feeling. And growing our awareness of what feeling it is that we are chasing, will help us to understand and justify our actions and also behave more purposefully then just coasting, unaware, throughout our day… and consequently our lives.

Ethics in Coaching
After witnessing both the dark and the light side of coaching, and many social-media debates and heated commentary, ethics is an ongoing topic of conversation in any industry, especially in the unregulated industry that coaching is. Remember, ethics are subjective, so know yours. I know what I mean when I say ethical or unethical and you can think of something as ethical or unethical and they could be the exact same thing. There are so many shades of grey, so let's explore how you can protect yourself and step into the light side of coaching to get all the benefits.